Perplexity, surrealism & absurdism in a musty, shabby & filthy atmosphere. Many signs inaugurate early on the sheer queerness of whatever revolves around Barton Fink - his own madman's facial expressions, a pitiful & empty hotel, faint sounds that obsessessively bother only him, dubious characters & personalities in Hollywood. But the viewer can still hang in this mess, and somehow (with a little effort) make some sense of what's happening. It's only towards the last third that the increasing contradictions explode into no(n)-sense. The only - and cheap - way to read the movie would be that most of these irreconciliable scenes are in fact dreams or hallucinations. Disappointing.
1,曹导的摄影没话说,片头的制作,片中大量的景深,构图选择都非常有感觉; 2,故事进展有些拖沓,为了讨好现在的市场这主要的几个男女主角成了时装秀了; 3,在车上打补牌的小视频大全可以拍的很酷的但是为了市场拍成了言情剧,市场真不缺言情偶像剧; 4,心理精神病题材的电视剧内地真的不多,能看出创团的用心,窦骁的魅力功不可没。